Monday, October 16, 2006

Halloween and other sharing: Halloween had never really been a favourite celebration of mine, because of the SAD and growing up with diabetes. A few years ago, after I'd started using the lights for the Seasonal Affective Disorder I became familiar with Martha Stewart and discovered some pretty "good things" to do for Halloween. I went all out with decorating and got dressed up myself for handing out treats. Because I also like to act I put on a pretty good show sometimes. I had youngstaers and teens returning occasionally just because they liked the little show I put on. One year I did vegetables as human organs in food coloured water and labelled with tea dyed labels. I was dressed as a witch. Some teens returned to the front door because they wanted to bring their friend to meet the witch. My husband had answered the door and then came to tell me they wanted to meet me. If I hadn't been out of costume we thought it might have been fun for me to sneak out the back door and come from behind to tap him on the shoulder. I never really tried to frighten anyone, just make it fun according to how they responded. Some came back every year until I grew tired of it and I think I actually scared someone accidently. It was NEVER my intention. NOW, I was not excited about Halloween again but I think my dear friend Darcy has tossed a little hint my way that maybe I ought to start thinking about it more seriously. I've got many projects in mind but thought in case I can't get to them before that hallowed eve I would share these couple of pieces from a few years back. They are actually batiked with parafin wax, acrylic paints and Rit dye on an old sheet. I got the idea from the little autumn book of Mary Engelbreit. I adore Mary's art.

And I've been making some trails in the basement cleaning process. Hopefully it won't take too much longer before I can actually show some photos of my space. In the meantime I have some heavy duty meetings tomorrow. Because of the weather we need to leave at 7:30 a.m. to get to the destination. My only "art" hope for tomorrow is to look through an old
Martha Stewart Living magazine to try to get some ideas for the seven day collage challenge on the Cloth Paper studio yahoo group I joined. The idea is to make seven collages from one magazine. I'm looking forward to the challenge and hope to start it tomorrow or Wednesday.

Until next time, I want to share hugs. Please take a moment to check this video which I've seen already on a couple of blogs. I LOVE this idea ~ might consider starting it myself but may have to find a more busy metropolis than where I live ~ something to think about. Huge hugs for all.


Suzie Q said...

Hello Lovely :)
That video is brilliant! I felt so sad before he got any hugs & wanted to go & hug him myself! And how can 'they' even contemplate banning hugging in public?!! Duh! Wonderful start to the day for me, Wendy, thank you! :)

We don't really 'do' Hallowe'en over here - the shops try hard to make it an event, but it hasn't really caught on in the same way as you all seem to celebrate it across the Atlantic. I do like having a hollowed out pumpkin with a candle glowing in it, and we do that for Nick's birthday - he was born on Hallowe'en! 'nuff said! ;)

I, too, adore Mary Engelbreit's artwork! I posted some from one of the little books I own of hers some time ago now...

Hope all goes well with your busy day ahead...take care.

HUGE hugs, Q xXx

BlueJude said...

Love your silly pumpkins! And another great idea for Halloween is Monster hands! You get those clear plastic gloves that the dentist wears, or you can sometimes find them in the stores, as long as they are not the "dusted" ones. Okay you put a candy corn in each finger tip (and thats the finger nail) then stuff the fingers and hand with popcorn and tie shut at the wrist with black ribbon. They really llok cool and monstery even tho it doesn't sound that way here! lol
OH and love the hugs thing. One of my sons friends did that in high school all day! My kids thought it was very cool. Thanks for sharing.

windy angels said...

Thanks for sharing the monster gloves idea Darcy. Actually, we made a whole lot of those and Cat gave them as gifts to her classmates and teachers one year when I was really into it.

Q - I suspected Halloween was not a celebration over there. Glad you do the candle in pumpkin idea. Sweet for a birthday.


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