My other excitement for the week is the announcement of two new Blurb books I recently put together and had published. They are both notebooks with many blank pages interspersed between pages of my own creations - photographs and art journal pages.
"Seasons of my life" contains my own photography with selections from each of the seasons.
With a view from the inside.
"Continuing the journey" contains images of art journal pages I have made. Some are older favourites, while others are quite recent.
With a view from the back
and another from the inside.
***Please remember to click on the photos to enlarge. Also click on the notebook titles to go to a preview for each book and to order your very own copy. If you are from Saskatchewan I can deliver a copy directly depending on my supply. Because of high cost of shipping and handling from the States I would charge $20 or at cost when I am able to get a deal.***
Wishing for all a very happy week of creating, enjoying nature, or whatever is on your journey.
Angel blessings.