Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Last day of February:
I have this thing about March. Maybe it has something to do with my Seasonal Affective Disorder. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that March can be one of our most stormy winter months. Maybe it has something to do with the spiritual connections I have and the fact that March always falls within the season of lent. Maybe it has something to do with the fact of - well - I just do not know what it is all about.
This year I have decided not to give up anything or take on extra because of it being lent. I guess I have decided to try to give something up - that would be worry. So far I'm not doing very well.
OK, I'll try this. I'll try to share with you an article from Issue 25 , February/March Quilting Arts magazine. I say I'll try this because I don't want to worry about my journal quilt which is supposed to be completed and submitted today. I have decided I want to do much hand stitching/embroidery on it and I am having some challenges with the blanket stitch. I will get it done because I really like all that it's about. I will most certainly not get it done today however.
Back to the article - as you wait for me to share more information from the Art as Business seminar I attended last week I'll tell you that I found the article"What price Art?How to objectively price your art quilts" by Jamie Fingal to have some good information about inventory and portfolio as well as general suggestions for things you need to be thinking about with pricing and the "business of art". If you've not had a chance to see this article and are interested in trying to sell your art, of any kind, I recommend checking this piece in Quilting Arts magazine.
Something else I'm trying not to worry about is - I have been very negligent in sharing the book I received in the mail on Monday as a part of the CaC book swap. Jennifer decided to send me From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg. Jennifer says "this is a very special book from my childhood". "I loved to imagine going on such an adventure!" I am trulty looking forward to reading this book - hopefully with Cat beside me. I don't think she's seen it and may really enjoy it also. Thanks Jennifer.
Please bear with me as I play with templates - "sew unsorted". Which one do you like for my blog (if you've seen the other ones lol - this, purple, parchment)?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
O God, I thank You for this day of life
for eyes to see the sky
for ears to hear the birds
for feet to walk amidst the trees
for hands to pick the flowers from the earth
for a sense of smell to breathe in the sweet perfumes of nature
for a mind to think about and appreciate the magic of everyday miracles
for a spirit to swell in joy at Your mighty presence everywhere.
Marian Wright Edelman
Founder of the Children's Defense Fund
Author of The Measure Of Our Success
from Inspiration Peak
for eyes to see the sky
for ears to hear the birds
for feet to walk amidst the trees
for hands to pick the flowers from the earth
for a sense of smell to breathe in the sweet perfumes of nature
for a mind to think about and appreciate the magic of everyday miracles
for a spirit to swell in joy at Your mighty presence everywhere.
Marian Wright Edelman
Founder of the Children's Defense Fund
Author of The Measure Of Our Success
from Inspiration Peak
Inspiration Peak,
life is good,
Monday, February 26, 2007
Think like a frog Part 1: please visit windyangelsandyou for the first art journal page.
art journal page,
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Valentine Mosaic
A mosaic of most of the valentine postcards I made. I'd be so happy if you place a note on the postcard you received, at my flickr site.
thanks, Windy
thanks, Windy
Artful Water: While I am not joining this group which is reviewing the book Finding Water I will probably try to remember occasionally to check what this group has to say. And most certainly Suze will be keeping me in touch as I frequently check her blogs.
I decided not to participate in the book review as I thought this book about perseverance might just be another way for me to procrastinate. lol
I decided not to participate in the book review as I thought this book about perseverance might just be another way for me to procrastinate. lol
Artful Water,
Finding Water,
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Feeling sew unsorted - a journal page I've been working on for a few days. The unsorted feeling has been here for a time but growing more over last few days this week. We were supposed to go to Saskatoon yesterday but it was storming again. We were supposed to go to a wedding in Saskatoon today but we are all sick, and the roads may still not be that great.
I am also experiencing a bit of a block mainly because my sewing machine has not been working for the past two weeks and I have a deadline to complete my February journal quilt by Wednesday. Someone else used the song that I was planning to use as suggested theme and I just felt I didn't want to use it even though I know it wouldn't have mattered.
Though I've chosen a different song AND hand painted (also suggested for this month) a number of pieces of fabric I could choose to use, I just can't get into it. I think it's what you would call a block.
Now my sewing machine is back. I've chosen the photos I want to use on my quilt and I've started pulling fabrics out that might work with the red painted fabrics. Tomorrow...
The photos are of my Dad, my brother with me, and my brother with Mom. I have to decide how to place them in the journal quilt. I may not even use them. Decisions.
Stay tuned to learn more from the seminar I attended about "art as a business" and also a piece I'm planning to write "Breathe like a frog".
Almost forgot to mention that if you enlarge the journal page, ummm, don't look too closely at the words of the background. It's just the old book I happened to get it from. Though maybe you could imagine me tearing with my teeth and using my tusks. lol Maybe it fits with breathing like a frog.
Angels be with you.
art journal,
journal quilt,
Friday, February 23, 2007
Colour as promised:
Friday's Finds - these are mostly for working with fabric, though not all - sponges, stencils, beads, stickers, board books.
Soon I'll show some actual finished work, I hope. lol
board books,
Friday's Finds,
sponge brushes and roller,
As you can see I've decided time for a change. As I've been receiving valentines everyday from
I discovered some of the fabulous blogs and sites whilst just starting to look at the flickr pool for the swap and also some of the sites from the postcards I've received. Thanks Tyn for doing the swap. This was a first for me and I am SOOOO happy I decided to join.
Just some of the fab blogs I've been discovering over the past few days:
violets are blue
damboise design
jenny everyday
erika buentello
Please check the eye candy. Hopefully I'll have something colourful to show soon.
Angels be with you.
As you can see I've decided time for a change. As I've been receiving valentines everyday from
Tyn at Pookieville's
swap, I've been checking new flickr and blogs and websites and seeing so much beautiful, bright eye candy. And as I've been feeling somewhat, what can I say, bamboozled the last few days, (I'll hopefully get to telling you why in next days) I've felt the need for bright and cheerful and soft and collagy. I wasn't quite ready to go to pink, which would have been most warm and cheerful, but I thought this better suited my art right now. So this is my blog for the next time.I discovered some of the fabulous blogs and sites whilst just starting to look at the flickr pool for the swap and also some of the sites from the postcards I've received. Thanks Tyn for doing the swap. This was a first for me and I am SOOOO happy I decided to join.
Just some of the fab blogs I've been discovering over the past few days:
violets are blue
damboise design
jenny everyday
erika buentello
Please check the eye candy. Hopefully I'll have something colourful to show soon.
Angels be with you.
eye candy,
valentines swap
Thursday, February 22, 2007
MORNING - for artwords
This picture was taken last Wednesday, February 14 th. The temperature was - 30 degrees, pretty much the same in centigrade and fahrenheit. I took a few photos after walking about half a block. I don't think my hands could have managed doing any more without my heavy mittens. The next day, Thursday, the temperature rose by almost 30 degrees centigrade from what it had been the day before. People had been waiting anxiously for almost a week for Thursday. Fortunately that time the forecast was accurate.
Funny though, on the Tuesday morning when I took Billy dog for walk I encountered a couple of others out doors. Though the temperature was - 24, the comments were about "what a beautiful day". There was not a wind. The - 24 seemed comparatively warm. We may still have our snow for another six weeks and we could still get a number of blizzards but we'll all be hoping for no more of the frigid temperatures, at least this winter.
Happy morning light to you.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm feeling quite proud of my knitting and how this little hat is taking shape. I really have decided that knitting is to be a fun, relaxing time for me. We had our final class last evening but I discovered that typically knitters get together on Tuesday evenings, unless the shop owner is away and no one else is available to "be responsible". I prefer doing things in a solitary fashion but we'll see.
The little hat and the circular needles were not my choice. The pattern and circulars are what they use to teach knitting here. I like it - very simple for someone beginning. I'm told socks are also very simple, like the hat. That will be next. BUT I will not start before this is finished. I have too many unfinished projects around my studio - which is most of our house - the kitchen (at the moment) and Cat's (daughter) bedroom are exempt.
About the relaxing - I keep getting holes in my project. Last Tuesday Kevin said they are for the buttons. He spoke as if from experience. At another place a friend suggested they were for the horns after I'd said the hat was for cat. he was teasing. I'm not sure if she caught on to the joke. Last night some of the different people there thought buttons were a terrific idea. The teacher, regular one not there, did not know why the holes. She worked out the most recent one. So far I can laugh about these holes. Hmmm, now if I could only sort out the holes in my life.
Oh yes, I did not want to forget to share one answer to my question of "how long have you been knitting?"
"I've been knitting six years. I gave up smoking and started knitting." HINT, HINT
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Painted fabric:
While we were at the farm I found some time and space to do some fabric painting. I love doing this. I can hardly wait until the summer when I can hopefully let fabric pieces dry outside. Space seems to be at a minimum at home and at farm but once I can leave fabric outside I am hoping there will be more places. I am very pleased with the results. I did seven pieces all together. The red and light pink piece I tore into smaller parts so I could experiment. I'm not really happy with the orange pattern. I'm very pleased with the blue shiva paint-stick on the red. I happened to have a piece of thread captured on the bottom part and was so happy with the effect. I really like what I can do with the paint-sticks. Unfortunately they are oil paints and have a bit of a smell. I may have to take them to Greg's workplace where there is a larger work space in the "back shop" and huge ceiling fans. I'll see what the weather does here. If it stays a bit warmer outdoors I can maybe work by an open window for awhile.
I should mention that I was able to purchase some "folk art" fabric paint in Saskatoon. I was happy that I did not have to order on-line as I was fully expecting to. I have not tried textile medium in acrylics yet but not certain if I will need to because I found many colours of these.
All images but the second are done on scanner. The actual size of each piece is about 20 inches x 28 inches.
hand painted fabric,
shiva paint-sticks
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Journal pages and painting fabric:
No, I never did get to the antique mall. Sigh. We had to buy lots of groceries and an 8B pencil for Cat (so she said - I can't see the art teacher asking ALL the students to get such a soft, expensive pencil - oh well - not about to get into a fight, I mean disagreement, with her about that - at least I got to use 40% off coupon), and Greg had to get a wrench to cut in half to fix a machine in a close place. I bought some ribbon though. I am excited to do some weaving and embroidery. I'll show you when I can. I got mostly spring colours and colours for flowers. YES!
There is much I would like to say and show. I've been getting lots done, especially fabric painting BUT, the internet is not hi -speed, one of the computers is in my brothers office, warm-up room (temperature wise, not dance or sport warmups), and Cat likes to hog her Dad's lap-top, just beacuase it's a laptop. AND I can't remember how to move the pictures from the camera to this computer AND the scanner is quite, ummm, starnge.
I'm frustrated. Can you tell?
I am having a blast painting fabric though. I'll tell you more another day, returning home tomorrow. I've also started some journal pages and turning an old book into altered. The "hope" journal page is not quite finished. The "dreams - energy" page I am wishing I'd not used the black for the words. Whoops - learning.
Later - more words, maybe some photos.
There are two previous posts with more of the Valentine's postcards. Wonderful that at least one arrived for Valentine's Day.
Hopefully back to your blogs for comments in the next few days. Angels be with you.
journal pages,
painted fabric
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentines: These are a few of my postcards. I've also shown the front of a card I made for a wedding shower. Katie's fiancee has taken her to a nearby place where chickadees will land on your hand to feed. They both love nature and animals. They love each other and plan to exchange vows on February 24. We wish them the very best.
And I learned late lat night that my January journal quilt "One lone tree and moon in winter" was chosen to be on the homepage for the CPS journal Quilt Challenge for this week. What a very pleasant surprise.
Monday, February 12, 2007
I believe in faith and hope. I believe in angels. I believe in miracles.
I have been so happy to be a part of seeing the miracle of Mark, and his mother Darlene and to see what can happen when people pray, when people have faith in a higher power, when people gather together, even in the land of blog. I was so amazed today to see the wonderful smiles of Mark - the wonderful smiles of Mark today. If you are not familiar with Mark and his amazing family go back to mid-December on Darlene's blog and read about something tragic. Continue to read the posts. Look at the number of comments. Read the comments. It is a wonderful story.
Mark and Darlene and the rest of the family still need our thoughts and prayers. If you are so inclined, please say a prayer. Grieving, anger, fear, questions - they do not magically disappear. They do not disappear overnight. Relationships change. Our prayers are needed. Maybe a prayer of thanksgiving would be called for also.
"Believe - you may see miracles happening all about you."
I have been so happy to be a part of seeing the miracle of Mark, and his mother Darlene and to see what can happen when people pray, when people have faith in a higher power, when people gather together, even in the land of blog. I was so amazed today to see the wonderful smiles of Mark - the wonderful smiles of Mark today. If you are not familiar with Mark and his amazing family go back to mid-December on Darlene's blog and read about something tragic. Continue to read the posts. Look at the number of comments. Read the comments. It is a wonderful story.
Mark and Darlene and the rest of the family still need our thoughts and prayers. If you are so inclined, please say a prayer. Grieving, anger, fear, questions - they do not magically disappear. They do not disappear overnight. Relationships change. Our prayers are needed. Maybe a prayer of thanksgiving would be called for also.
"Believe - you may see miracles happening all about you."

Lots of news: I got 15 more postcards completed. While I was half way around the edges of #16 the needle broke, momentarily after the bobbin had run out of thread. I have no warning light so. Even the needle breaking was not such a big deal. The bigger deal after that immediately, was MAJOR difficulty getting the needle to move up and down at all. It didn't sound right. I did what I could. Greg was close by. He's been a wonderful helper. He was doing the knots for me on the completed postcards. He is such a sweetheart. I mutter at him lots but he knows that I have no one else to mutter at so he is usually OK about it. He asked me gently to get out of the way for a bit. I understood. He determined that the shuttle is actually bent, to the point of not allowing the mechanism to move properly. He calmly asked me if I had an extra shuttle. I calmly replied no.
Thank goodness I had completed 25. Thank goodness I stayed calm. The ten for the swap were the main ones I needed to have done. They are just waiting to be written on and popped in the mail. Well, I have to get some clear packing tape to apply the addresses to the envelope - thank goodness for sympathetic friends, spouses who can have patience with us emotional artist types.
I've quite a busy day today with a chiropractor appointment, having to take our poor Kit cat to the vet to have her put down. Poor thing was having a very difficult time breathing about eight days ago. She recuperated somewhat but it's time. She's probably about ten years old. We got her from the farm, had been abandoned by her mother there and was in need of much TLC. She's been sick for a time. Veterinary bills are not something we can fit into our list of priorities right now. She'd been getting all the required vaccinations but then the Dr. believed she was having a bad reaction to the distemper shot. She didn't have it last year. A sad time but this is the best thing for her.
I also have choir tonight and then tomorrow it's another board meeting. If you know me at all you have some understanding of how I feel about that.
Later I will hopefully get the scans of the postcards done. I'll share a couple with you today and then will wait until Wednesday to share more.
Angels be with you.
Later update on sewing machine - "How can the shuttle be bent?" was the thought in my mind but who am I to question my dear mechanical, techie husband. Wendy, knitting teacher, shop owner, kind person, didn't start to laugh. She said the timing is probably out. Don, repair person, is only in on Saturdays. I said I'll bring it tomorrow night when I come for knitting.
sewing machine
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Friday's Finds: When I was in Saskatoon yesterday I had a bit of time to do some shopping at Michael's and also at a place called art placement. They have a gallery and a shop. I've been noticing the warmer colours more in other people's creations and I also want to get more into journaling and books - making and altering. I was pleased to find the awl at art placement. I also got the hemp string there. The greens and mauve were the only colours they had. I got warmer colours in fabric paint, some collage papers, water colour crayons and yarn. Planning for when the postcards are complete, soon.
fabric paints,
Friday's Finds,
A HAPPY, PROUD meme: Enough of this "weird" meme already. Here's something new, I think. Regardless -
Five things that make me feel proud:
1. I was able to keep calm yesterday even though Cat was having teenage moments with almost every breath she took. I was able to think of a consequence. It worked. But the biggest piece was trying to stay calm after I almost lost it. YES! Yes! and did I say YES!
2. I look younger than my age.
3. I feel so healthy even though I've had diabetes for almost 46 years.
4. I have NO complications of diabetes even though I've had diabetes almost 46 years.
5. I overcame my fear of group learning and started taking a knitting class.
6. I drove to Saskatoon by myself yesterday even though the wind chill was severe and the streets in the City are so full of ice ruts and I was in a motor vehicle accident a few years ago on the icy streets of Saskatoon when I was by myself.
7. I did not buy for myself a new cloth paper scissors magazine or quilting arts magazine when I went to buy the book for Suze for the book swap. I REALLY wanted to buy one or both of those magazines.
8. Our daughter was able to give me a hug and say the spoken word "sorry" with tears after she realized the consequence for her rude behaviour yesterday morning. Even though she is a teenager, with other issues, she can sometimes get past the teen struggles and be her very kind, happy self. I think we've raised her well.
9. UMMM - sometimes I do not procrastinate, that time is obviously not NOW.
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged to list five, or more, things about yourself that you feel PROUD about.
Hugs and angels be with you.
Five things that make me feel proud:
1. I was able to keep calm yesterday even though Cat was having teenage moments with almost every breath she took. I was able to think of a consequence. It worked. But the biggest piece was trying to stay calm after I almost lost it. YES! Yes! and did I say YES!
2. I look younger than my age.
3. I feel so healthy even though I've had diabetes for almost 46 years.
4. I have NO complications of diabetes even though I've had diabetes almost 46 years.
5. I overcame my fear of group learning and started taking a knitting class.
6. I drove to Saskatoon by myself yesterday even though the wind chill was severe and the streets in the City are so full of ice ruts and I was in a motor vehicle accident a few years ago on the icy streets of Saskatoon when I was by myself.
7. I did not buy for myself a new cloth paper scissors magazine or quilting arts magazine when I went to buy the book for Suze for the book swap. I REALLY wanted to buy one or both of those magazines.
8. Our daughter was able to give me a hug and say the spoken word "sorry" with tears after she realized the consequence for her rude behaviour yesterday morning. Even though she is a teenager, with other issues, she can sometimes get past the teen struggles and be her very kind, happy self. I think we've raised her well.
9. UMMM - sometimes I do not procrastinate, that time is obviously not NOW.
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged to list five, or more, things about yourself that you feel PROUD about.
Hugs and angels be with you.

Will YOU be MY Valentine?
I completed about one-third of the valentines on Thursday night. They needed to be finished so they could be handed out by Cat (daughter) at school on Friday. Lucky duck does not have school next week. That's VERY good. Saskatchewan winters can be very HARD on everyone - students, parents, teachers. MANY people choose this time of year to escape for a winter holiday. They go south. This winter is especially bad with wind chill temperatures around - 40 degrees Celsius at times. And when the temperatures warm even a tiny bit it wants to snow. Roads are then difficult to travel on. Winds continue to create greater grief mixed with the snow. WE are going south too. We are going to Moose Jaw for appointments with our naturopathic Dr. It's about a three hour drive from here. They do tend to have a bit warmer temperatures than here, but the small city is still in Saskatchewan. Oh well. I'm hoping to stop at the Antique Mall in Regina on our way back to the farm, also south of here, where we'll be spending a couple of days - at the farm that is, not the antique mall. I'm hoping to find some old books at the Mall, maybe photos, maybe lace, maybe cards. I haven't been there for many years so I'm not certain if they have these kinds of things.
The valentines: I made eight with the image from Carla Sonheim. She was very gracious to provide the image with an offer on flickr. Thanks Carla. I love Carla's "little girls" which I first discovered on Terri's blog. I did not have much time so made them quite simple.
The other two postcards are partially Cat's design. She helped with them a bit. Her ideas still tend to more formal, more simple. She likes pretty things, a lot, tends to be a stasher, I mean collector. Some day she'll maybe learn more artful skills, placement, what's pleasing to the eye.
I've also shown what the backs of the postcards look like so someone not familiar with these fabric postcards can see that they can really be used as a postcard. I notice there are iron marks on it - reflections of "Orange"? I think I'll put these postcards in envelopes. It will cost more but I would just hate for some of the texture to be forfeited. I can see in some cases it would add to have the card go through the rigours of the post, but, not this time.
Till later - keep warm, especially for my Sask. friends.
Angels be with you.
Carla Sonheim,
Thursday, February 8, 2007
production line: Please bear with me as I am struggling through horrid winter weather which started beginning of October and could very well last to end of March, possibly even into April, a teenage daughter with issues going through her most difficult time of the year, AND trying desperately to get 30, I SAID 30 valentines finished in the next few hours, at least days. YIPES!!! My plan is to make lots this summer and have them ready to sell next January. I love this valentine bizz and I LOVE working with textures. Sorry for no comments and e-mails and please be patient for your own arrival of packages. They are on the way, will just take a few days, as I knit my way, (NOT - gotta practice that too)) across this vast and barren land.
Till next time, have some laughs with OLIVIA
Till next time, have some laughs with OLIVIA
production line,
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Whilst cruising my neighbourhood on my new blog happened across the humour of Gladys Hardy. I need more humour in my life. What about you?
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Knitting therapy: I got brave. I decided to take some knitting classes at our local shop - Haus of Stitches. I've been wanting to learn to knit for a number of years. I'm aware of how relaxing it is (supposed to be). I've even tried with minimal success to learn online. I am a solitary learner. But the time came. I needed friends. I needed support. I needed to get past my phobia of making mistakes in front of others. Besides my typical uptight body I enjoyed myself. I met people I know and new people. I think there will be much potential for friends, much potential for relaxation, after I get some knitting behind me, or maybe accomplished in front of me. I'll keep you updated.
Angels be with you.
Saturday, February 3, 2007

Packages received and Friday Finds: On Wednesday I was so happy to receive the beautiful little handmade book from Diane at soonerorlater. I'd gone on her blog to say that I would participate in having an item of art sent to me if I promised to send to five people one of my art items if they responded to my request. And so this item arrived. I was very pleased. It came at a good time. The week had been "crazy". Dear Greg said certainly I would be able to make one too. So besides the actual little book to journal in I have received inspiration. Thanks Diane.
Then on Friday I received all my Sakura items from artsy Fran where I was so fortunate to have my name drawn to receive the prize. I especially love the gellyroll moonlight pens. I'll have to try gold shadow on different paper. It says to use white fibrous paper. The sticklers are also fun. I think I'll have a hard time trying to keep them from our daughter. She wants the fish for her cell phone. We'll see. Fran also very kindly included some of her collage papers. They are wonderful. People here in the art blog world are extremely kind. It almost feels like my birthday. I must get my own packages, and especially the items for in them, ready to send very soon. I've entered a postcard valentine swap. I have until the 14th to get ten postcards completed. Hopefully they can be ready sooner. We'll see.
Friday's finds is about more fabric. I continue to be inspired by all the beautiful pieces of art that my friend Jude makes. I love the bright and cheery colours. I've only purchased in small amounts. I already have quite a lot of fabric. Cat already started cutting some of the orange fabric for postcards. I'll help her make valentines for some of her helpers and friends.
Angels be with you.
Thursday, February 1, 2007

One lone tree and moon in winter - journal quilt - January, 2007: As I've posted some other items since I first showed my January journal quilt for the CPS journal quilts group, I'll show it again together with the information I've just written up on card stock. the tree on the card stock was done with scribbler. Please click on the pictures to get an enlarged version with more detail.
Angels be with you.
Laughter - the best medicine. The theme for this week's photo Thursday, part of Create a Connection, is laughter.
I love laughter. I wish I could do it more often. These are photos of our daughter (Cat) when she was younger, at least 10 years younger. She loved to make people laugh and to be entertaining. Now it takes an effort to laugh with teenage her. Of course she hates being laughed at.
I love being tickled, unless I'm feeling really low. I love watching "funny" on the television or at the theatre. I think one of my faves from a time back was Victor Borge. My entire family particularly liked when he switched the next number. Instead of wonderful, something was twoderful and so on. I think my dad has a video. We should view that again sometime.
Thanks for (five) this choice. It makes me happy just thinking about it.
tickles for(five) all.
create a connection,
Photo Thursday
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- February sunrise
- Last day of February:I have this thing about March...
- O God, I thank You for this day of lifefor eyes to...
- Think like a frog Part 1: please visit windyangels...
- Valentine Mosaic
- Artful Water: While I am not joining this group wh...
- No title
- Colour as promised:Friday's Finds - these are most...
- CHANGE:As you can see I've decided time for a chan...
- MORNING - for artwordsThis picture was taken last ...
- About knitting and holes:I'm feeling quite proud o...
- No title
- Journal pages and painting fabric:No, I never did ...
- No title
- No title
- No title
- No title
- I believe in faith and hope. I believe in angels. ...
- Lots of news: I got 15 more postcards completed. W...
- Friday's Finds: When I was in Saskatoon yesterday ...
- A HAPPY, PROUD meme: Enough of this "weird" meme a...
- Will YOU be MY Valentine?I completed about one-thi...
- production line: Please bear with me as I am strug...
- Whilst cruising my neighbourhood on my new blog ha...
- Knitting therapy: I got brave. I decided to take s...
- No title
- One lone tree and moon in winter - journal quilt -...
- Laughter - the best medicine. The theme for this w...
- Books - last week's theme for Inspire me Thursday....
- A little bit late, but Happy Birthday Darcy. Creat...
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