through my fingers
not only now
as the days grow chill
when the sky threatens
perhaps just gloom
the winds
blow more chill
yet also through the sunshiny
heat filled days
beach days
seashore perfect days
for i had
well ~ this and that
i would not want to bore you ~
yet mostly
it was the change
the immensity of change
(i know that change is inevitable
normally i embrace change)
yet this
this was different
this was in almost all
areas of my life
too much to have to deal with
in one passing of a year
perhaps even too much
for one passing of a lifetime
yet i endured
i was courage
i was hope
i was guide
i was shoulder to lean on
i was present
i was crying
i was smiling
i was speaking
sometimes in a voice too loud
sometimes in a voice imparting hurt
i was present
i am present
i am courage
i am hope
i am laughter
i am tears
i am smiling
i am laughter
i am encouragement
for self
for others
i am present